Coach Buzzeo takes control of boys’ lacrosse team

Coach Buzzeo addresses the team against Darien. New Canaan picked up their first win over Darien in six years. The Rams are currently 8-1 overall, and 6-1 in the FCIAC.
Coach Buzzeo addresses the team against Darien. New Canaan picked up their first win over Darien in six years. The Rams are currently 8-1 overall, and 6-1 in the FCIAC.

Former NCHS student and Princeton graduate Chip Buzzeo has taken the position of Head Coach of the Varsity Lacrosse team, beginning this year. He is replacing Alex Whitten who, after five successful years as coach, made the decision to step down when the season came to a close last spring.

Even though Buzzeo is new this year, senior Henry Moyle believes the boys are adjusting well to the change and expects the team to perform well this season. “Buzzeo is a really good guy and he has a lot of experience coaching and we have a lot of talent, especially in the younger kids,” he said. “We also have a lot of returning starters so it’s looking pretty good and we definitely have a lot of potential.”

Senior Duke Repko agreed. “We’ll have to adjust to the new coaching styles and the new personnel but in the long run I think we’re going to be better because Coach Buzzeo knows a lot about the game,” he said.

According to senior Captain Johnny Rhudy, although the boys see Mr. Buzzeo as a beneficial addition to the team, they are still getting used to his new coaching styles. “Our practices are different this year because the whole entire time everyone is moving, no one is standing still and everyone is always doing something,” he said. “The practices are much more organized.”

Coach Buzzeo is looking for the team to have an undefeated season but also wants to provide a fun experience for them. “I think the team goal would be to have the best experience and to come together and play hard every day,” he said. “My personal goal is to win every game but right now we’re just focused on the regular season.”

Despite the fact that there are many competitive teams in the FCIAC this year, Buzzeo has a lot of faith in the team and is certain that the boys are on their way to a successful season. “I expect them to perform well; they’re looking very good so far,” he said. “We are 3-0 so it’s always good to start off winning. There are a lot of strong teams in the FCIAC this year so there will be a lot of competition which is always fun.”

There is also a new academic rule that was put into place by Mr. Buzzeo. “We’re going to send him our third quarter grades and if anyone has a D or below a 75 average you are on probation and you have about a month to bring it up,” Henry said. “If you don’t get it up in a month you’re suspended from playing.”

Mr. Buzzeo stressed the importance of school always coming before sports or extracurricular activities and that’s why he decided to put this rule into effect. “Overall we’re trying to improve academic performance because we’re student athletes, students first and athletes second,” he said. “And it’s very important to do well in the classroom.”

Henry has high hopes for his team this year. “Last year we won FCIACS and made it to the finals in states so I think we have a legitimate shot at winning both this year,” he said.