Alessandra Gass, Reporter@agasscourant It comes as no surprise that technology can be detrimental to the health of impressionable teenagers. It has been known for quite
Category: Uncategorized
Caring for California
Sophie Bajaj, Blog Editor @sbajajcourant Many of us turn on our local news to see the devastating footage of California burning to pieces. Although the
NCTV continues to publish “The Morning Announcements” despite quarantine
Lauren Doherty, Story Editor @LDohertyCourant Despite E-learning and the current uncertainty due to COVID-19, NCTV students are continuing to release their morning announcements, which are
Talking with NCTV’s Sports Broadcasters
Lauren Doherty, Story Editor @LDohertyCourant NCTV’s sports reporters have been faced with an unusual task due to the COVID-19 quarantine. With the spring seasons cancelled,
The Bookshelf: The Thousandth Floor
Lauren O’Malley, Reporter@lomalleycourant It’s 2118 in futuristic Manhattan, New York. There’s a new main attraction that’s got everyone’s attention, a tower with a thousand floors