Aleena Nasruddin, Editor-in-Chief@aleenacourant Knowledge is power. But my experience with sex-ed at the high school would go against this premise. The health curriculum at the
Category: Opinions
NCHS from the student’s point of view…
How Spider-Man: No Way Home Cuts to the Heart of Peter Parker
Keira Cooney, Opinions Editor@keiraccourant WARNING: Not only will this piece reveal my own embarrassing, almost too-vast knowledge about Spider-Man, it will also contain spoilers for
Financial literacy: the missing piece of the puzzle
Serena Platt, Media Director@splattcourant How many students know what a credit score is? What about a 401k? The S&P 500 index? It’s likely that the
Why speaking up might be the hardest and best thing we can do as students
Julie Song, Editor-in-Chief@juliescourant They say politics makes bad dinner conversation, but in a classroom, I’d argue that stimulating and provocative discourse deserves a seat at
New Texas Law: A Step Backwards in Women’s Rights
Caroline Vincent, Executive Editor@cvincentcourant Wednesday, August 18, 1920, the Nineteenth Amendment was ratified, guaranteeing all American women the right to vote. Monday, January 22, 1973,