Abbie Dymond, Executive Editor@abbiedcourant After using the bathroom washing your hands, there is at least one thing missing; soap or paper towels. While absent paper
Category: Opinions
NCHS from the student’s point of view…
We need to stop villainizing GMOs
Ava Fonss, Editor-in-Chief@afonsscourant During a trip to almost any American grocery store, shoppers encounter hundreds of products advertised as being free from genetically modified ingredients.
Civil discourse: the key to creating more informed thinkers
Serena Platt, Editor-in-Chief@splattcourant In today’s world, respect and tolerance are in short supply, as differences of opinion are making people even more attached to their
The blame game: it’s time to hold companies responsible for the climate crisis
Ava Fonss, Editor-in-Chief@afonsscourant Stop using plastic straws. Don’t purchase disposable water bottles. Eliminate meat from your diet. As consumers, we are constantly told by the
Again and again: when will school shootings stop?
Abbie Dymond, Executive Editor@abbiedcourantAnnika Khurana, Executive Editor@akhuranacourant On December 14, 2012, 20-year-old Adam Lanza killed 26 people at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut.