Alex Hutchins, Opinions Editor @aHutchCourant Looking back on my time as a freshman at the high school, I realize that my perception of what a
Category: Opinions
NCHS from the student’s point of view…
NCHS needs to view students as people, not products
Meredith Luchs, junior Do you think that NCHS cares whether or not you’ve had a good day? Not the teachers, not your classmates, but
Windowless classrooms: a psychological obstruction to learning
I feel trapped in windowless classrooms, most of us do. What with the four bone-white walls adorned with nothing but a few occasional drab posters;
Stressed, Depressed, and School-Obsessed(The Life of a Second Semester Senior)
Emily Azzarito, Senior I’m not really sure why I’m writing this. I don’t even take journalism. I’m not getting credit for this. I’m certainly
Vegetarian survival guide: holiday edition
Gretchen McCarthy, Reporter @gretchencourant When you put the words Thanksgiving, Christmas and vegetarian together, they instantly form a combination that becomes impossible for people to