Audrey Carr, Editor-in-Chief@audreyccourant When standing at tables to hand out copies, my enthusiasm for the effort members of the Courant put into their pages radiates
Category: Opinions
NCHS from the student’s point of view…
Survivor – how has the game changed?
Emily Telesco, Reporter@etelescocourant The end of September welcomed an exciting 45th season of the hit reality show Survivor. With a new episode coming out every
Electives: interest or academic rigor?
Amy Meng, Arts & Tech Editor@amengcourant Allow me to introduce you to Riley, a made-up realistic representation of a typical student at the high school.
CT leads by example in the wake of tragedy
By Liza SieghartClass of 2024 Although we are still only in the first quarter of the school year, we have already practiced several lockdown procedures
The Impact of Boxing On Teens
Lucas Williams, Reporter When I say boxing, what do you think of? Maybe cauliflower ear. Maybe Muhammed Ali. Yet I would wager everyone reading envisions