Gretchen McCarthy, Editorial Director @GretchenCourant After a week and half holiday break you would think the halls of NCHS would have a relaxed and refreshed
Category: Opinions
NCHS from the student’s point of view…
An open letter to Albert Camus
Emilia Savini Editor-in-chief @ESaviniCourant Dear Albert Camus, While existentialism is certainly not a “light subject”, I was very eager to learn about this challenging philosophical
My name is Kate and my font is Garamond.
Kate McMahon Opinions Editor @KateM_Courant *Disclaimer* I am a hard core Garamond fan so if you are a hater I do not need your views
Can the holidays be celebrated too early?
Brooke Holland, Reporter @bhollandcourant For most students, November is a month busy with schoolwork and the countdown to Thanksgiving break. However, some people prefer to
Academic dishonesty: don’t do it but if you do, let me know what happens
Kate McMahon Opinions Editor @KateM_Courant It’s rather alarming when I see students frantically checking their Powerschool with a calculator in one hand and a pencil