Ryan Boulanger, Editor-in-Chief@RyanBCourant All opinions expressed on this page repre-sent the views of the author, not the views of the Courant. The Courant welcomes responses
Category: Opinions
NCHS from the student’s point of view…
Why You Should Start Investing as a High School Student (and How to Do it)
Valentina Fuentes, Reporter@valentfcourant As a high school student, you’re probably making money in some way—whether it’s through a part-time job, babysitting, or even getting an
If NCHS wants to prepare students for college, teach sexual assault curriculum
Alessandra Gass, Editor-in-Chief @agasscourant As with any issue in society, the absence of conversation does not mean an absence of the issue altogether. Such a
Opinion: it’s time to take a look at alternative voting systems
Ryan Boulanger, News Editor@Ryanbcourant Let’s face it: The 118th Congress has been the least productive congressional assembly in American history. In the last decade, government
Music: the gateway to self-expression, connection
Avery Cotton@averyccourant Having played the piano for somewhere in the ballpark of a decade, I began to genuinely enjoy playing and creating music remarkably late