Isabella Madrid, News Editor @Imadridcourant Starting in the 2023-2024 school year students taking M3 math courses will receive an honors weighting on their grade point
Category: News
Find out what’s going on at NCHS.
Band sees opportunity with new equipment
Emma Amaya, Reporter@eamayacourant Led by student musicians who play a variety of instruments, school and community events are enhanced by the band program. Whether it
Hundreds of people gather together at Waveny Park to view the solar eclipse
Valentina Baldini, Reporter @vbaldinicourant On April 8 hundreds of people gathered at Waveny Park to watch the first solar eclipse visible to the East Coast
Juniors take on the new Digital SAT
Olivia Carofano, Blogs Editor@OCarofano32144 This March, juniors took the new Digital SAT. The assessment is designed to measure current levels of student performance in relation
Recap of this year’s Color Drop
Bennett Uzpen, Reporter@BUCourant On Friday, March 22, the annual Color Drop was held in Waveny Park. Attendees watched with anticipation as the helicopter dropped golf