Chase Strupp, Reporter @cstruppcourant In the past, New Canaan High School has gained state and nationwide recognition for exceptional teachers, high-achieving students, and outstanding athletics.
Category: News
Find out what’s going on at NCHS.
NCHS community mourns the loss of English teacher, Kelly Devine
Brittany Barber, Reporter @barbercourant In the beginning of April, the entire NCHS community was saddened by the loss of English teacher Kelly Devine. However, all
Students look to inspire at the Poetry Fest this Thursday
Shannon Bucci, Reporter @SBCourant It is that time of the year again when the submissions begin pouring in for the annual NCHS Poetry Fest that
NCHS students register to vote in the Connecticut primaries
Reilly O’Neill, Reporter @RONeillCourant Calling all seniors and juniors who will be turning 18 by November of 2016! Today at lunch the League of Women
“Women in the Workforce Wednesday” Offers Financial Insight
Eva Pace, Reporter @espcourant “In this day and age, women make 78 cents for every dollar a man makes,” Cary Carbonaro, Certified Financial Planner, featured