Joelle Anselmo, Executive Editor @janselmoCourant In July, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Bryan Luizzi presented to the Board of Education a proposal that would allow New
Category: News
Find out what’s going on at NCHS.
Everything you need to know about the senior internship program
Riley Seelert, Reporter @rileyscourant The NCHS Senior Internship Program not only offers an opportunity for seniors to get into the working world ahead of time,
Math and science teams exemplify creativity
Alexandra Harte, Editor @aharte_courant There are an infinite amount of numbers from zero to one. There are an infinite amount of numbers from zero to
The holiday season sparks movements to give back to community
Izzy Nesbett, Reporter @Izzyncourant The holiday season was jump-started early this year with a snowfall a week before Thanksgiving. Along with the snow came the
Annual New Canaan Turkey Trot raises proceeds for Norwalk Open Door Shelter
Sophie Bajaj, Reporter @sbajajcourant The annual New Canaan Turkey Trot 5k run at Waveny Park will be held Sunday, November 25th, at 11AM, and all