Sara Conroy, Reporter@sconroycourant Motivational speaker Chris Herren lead an inspirational presentation in the auditorium on Wednesday, April 24. RAM Council, a nonprofit organization that helps
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Find out what’s going on at NCHS.
AP Exam Schedule
Emma Shullman, Editor @eshullman1 AP testing will begin on Monday May 6th with the United States Government and Politics test. The first session of tests
Poetry Fest Preview 2019
Charles Brossy, Reporter @cbrossycourant Poetry Fest is an annual event that is an open mic poetry celebration run by the English Department which is happening
Register Today for the Color Run
Riley Seelert, Reporter@rileyscourant On Saturday April 27, this year’s Color Run gives people the chance to raise money for students in need, while getting some
NCHS VEX Robotics team wins Regionals, advances to World Finals
Olivia Flaherty-Lovy, Editor-in-Chief @ofl_courant On April 24th, the top 7% of high school-designed robots in the world will be assembled in Kentucky for the world