Ava Fonss, Section Editor@afonsscourant As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, the College Board has decided not to administer the SAT on June 6, 2020,
Category: News
Find out what’s going on at NCHS.
College Board replaces AP World with new AP World: Modern course
Maeson Wagner, News Editor@mwagnercourant In October of 2019, the College Board announced that AP World: Modern is going to replace the current AP World class,
Night to Shine offers kids of all abilities a prom experience
Ellie O’Hare, Reporter@EOHare_courant The night is created like a Hollywood gala: walkways are lined with red carpets, paparazzi flash their pictures, and limos arrive revealing
School closure extended to April 20th due to COVID-19
Lauren Doherty, Features Editor @ldohertycourant Aleena Nasruddin, News Editor@anasruddincour1 On March 18, Superintendent Dr. Bryan Luizzi informed families, students, and teachers that school would be
NCHS switches to block scheduling for distance learning
Olivia West, Editor@oliviawcourant The high school’s distance learning schedule will change to a block schedule where classes meet on alternate days beginning Monday, March 23,