Catherine Burges, News Editor @cburges_courant Since March 13th, students in New Canaan have been forced to study and do “school” at home due to the coronavirus
Category: News
Find out what’s going on at NCHS.
The New Grading Change: Accommodations for Different Situations
Editor-in-Chief, Madison Grenauer @madisongcourant On May 8th, many students and families stopped awaiting the final decision of the potential grading system shift. Dr. Luizzi, the
AP Testing Changes
Charles Brossy, Head of Media @cbrossycourant COVID-19 has shaped students and adults greatly in the past few month. Changes have been made to society, including
How SAT/ACT cancellations will impact the class of 2021
Ava Fonss, Section Editor@afonsscourant As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, the College Board has decided not to administer the SAT on June 6, 2020,
College Board replaces AP World with new AP World: Modern course
Maeson Wagner, News Editor@mwagnercourant In October of 2019, the College Board announced that AP World: Modern is going to replace the current AP World class,