Imogen Rawlings-Green, Editor@irawlingcourant George Floyd’s death sparked thousands of protests and riots across America demanding justice and change surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement. Last
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New Canaan Police at the BLM Protest
Lauren Doherty, Editor-in-Chief @ldohertycourant On Thursday, June 4th, the New Canaan streets were filled with protestors of all ages, genders, ethnicities, and occupations supporting the
How to appropriately see friends during quarantine
Alex Sconziano, Reporter@ASconzCourant As the world begins to move back to normal, a question on many people’s minds is when is it ok to start
Students find relief that final exams are cancelled
Ava Fonss, Arts and Tech Editor@afonsscourant As a result of school being closed for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year, the district has decided
Peaceful protesters unite in New Canaan to hear speeches from members of the community
Caroline Vincent, News Editor@cvincentcourant Late Thursday afternoon, the streets of New Canaan were filled with chants: “White silence is violence. No justice, no peace. Say