Catherine Burges, News Editor@cburges_courant Jack Jensen, Reporter Barbara Lapolla, a familiar face to students and staff, will be retiring in December after over 25 years
Category: News
Find out what’s going on at NCHS.
Superintendent Bryan Luizzi explains rationale behind decision to return to hybrid
Aleena Nasruddin, Editor-in-Chief@aleenacourantOlivia West, Editor-in-Chief@oliviawcourant As of Tuesday, December 15, New Canaan Public Schools have reported 8 students with positive cases at the high school
Clubs adapt, advance their mission through virtual meetings
Aleena Nasruddin, Editor-in-Chief@aleenacourant 74 clubs at the high school have to adjust their plans for the year to abide by both the Center for Disease
New Waveny Park entrance is saving people time now and for years to come
Ian Nicholas, Reporter @IanNicholas25 In the time of an unprecedented global pandemic, high schools across the nation are making major changes in order to execute
The New Traffic System at NCHS
Alex Sconziano, Reporter@ASconzCourant This fall, the 2020 school year kicked off with many different changes. Students are required to wear masks, sit apart in desks,