The scoop on financial aid night and tips for receiving financial aid in college

On Oct. 28, the Guidance Department held its annual financial aid night in the Wagner room. Guidance counselor Lori Lewandoski said the main purpose of the event was “to disseminate information about the financial aid process.”

Ms. Lewandoski explained the benefit of organizing a presentation on financial aid. “Parents don’t want to just read the information,” she said. “Having somebody to present the process makes it much less daunting.”

NCHS Turns Back the Clock!

On Thursday, October 22nd, NCHS students turned back the clock. According to their respective grades, students dressed up to match a decade as per tradition. Freshman dressed from the 1950’s, sophomores the ‘60’s, juniors the ‘70’s, and seniors the 1980’s.

Turn Back the Clock Day is loved by many. “I think Decades Day is pretty outgoing,” senior Kaitlin Hughes said. I think it boosts spirits because we’re losing spirit days and need to be spirited as much as we can when given the chance,” senior Kaitlin Hughes said.

Freshman Isabelle Schipper offered her own ideas about what makes Turn Back the Clock Day appealing…