ProQuest to be removed?

Olivia Marcus

ProQuest, the online database that many students use has recently been threatened with removal next year from our available resources next year. The issue is a result of the tough economy and the school’s money choices. “It’s not set in stone, it all depends on the budget,” said Michelle Luhtala, the Library Media Specialist…

Your eyes and ears of the Student Coalition

Hey New Canaan,

Since the Holiday Dance, the “Frost Fest” was canceled we tried to come up with ways to raise money for Toys For Tots. We’re going to sell Candy Cane Grams starting this Thursday at lunch. Each gram will be a candy cane and a message that will be sold for $1. They are going to be for sale Thursday, Friday, and Monday…

Gay-Straight Alliance: Ally Week

Siddarth Deshpande

This Monday, GSA is holding Ally week, which consists of several different activities targeted towards raising awareness about the GSA and its goals.

The national GSA organizattion is designed to draw attention to Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transsexual (LGBT) issues in schools and to encourage people to become allies of students of different sexual orientations who are being harrassed and tormented…

Your eyes and ears of the Student Coalition

Hi Rams!

I’m afraid I have some bad news…unfortunately we had to cancel this year’s holiday dance (the Frost Fest) because we couldn’t sell enough tickets. Last year was the first time ever we had to cancel the dance, and now it seems like it has become an unfortunate tradition. We really would have liked to sell tickets to the dance, because the money was supposed to be donated to Toys For Tots. This week, we are now going to have to give money back to the people who bought tickets. If you would like to donate the money to Toys For Tots anyway, just let us know…

Imagine if it were you: Child sex trafficking assembly comes to NCHS

Scott O’Brien

400,000 kids are trafficked in the United States each year. Pura Vida for Children will be hosting an assembly on December 10th during A and B period to raise awareness about child sex trafficking. This assembly will be led by Love146, a non- profit organization made up of modern-day abolitionists who are taking a strong stand to end child sex trafficking through raising awareness and are providing aftercare for rescued children…