Post Prom Fundraiser: Starry Nite of Style this Saturday

This Saturday, March 27th, the Parent Faculty Association will host its 8th annual Starry Night of Style. Doors open at 6:30 pm and tickets are being sold during lunch and at the door for $15.00. All of the proceeds will go directly to the Post Prom fund. The show will feature over 90 students modeling both casual and prom fashions and musical performances.

Haiti Benefit Concert a great success

Last night, a Benefit Concert for Haiti was held in the Auditorium. There were a total of 12 student performances from student bands, singers, and ballet, modern dance, and Irish step dance groups. Although the concert had to be rescheduled due to bad weather in February, it still had a great turnout, attracting an estimated 250 people. Check back in a couple days for a video segment about the concert.

Scholarship Sunday looks to build on last year’s success

Kelly Saiz

This Sunday, March 28th, the Scholarship Foundation will host its annual Scholarship Sunday. During the drive, student volunteers will go door to door to ask for contributions from New Canaan residents.

Tomorrow students will attend an “American Idol” themed assembly that will feature an informational video and speakers. The assembly encourages students to sign up and volunteer for the drive.

For 43 years, the foundation has reached out to town merchants and residents in order to fund the extended education of high school students. Harry Coleman, an affiliate of Colombia University and distinguished New Canaan resident started the foundation in 1967. Principal and foundation Chairman Tony Pavia says that the program has been an unquestioned force in providing for the academic careers of students…

It’s getting hot! Spring Fever is here

Maureen Dinnie
Photo Editor

From the moment the last flake of snow melts into the ground, Spring Fever is in full swing. Though Connecticut temperatures only max out at around 70 degrees, students are not taking any sunny days for granted.

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Some warmer states may call it crazy, but students are taking complete advantage of the warmer days, at least clothing-wise. “It’s acceptable to start wearing flip-flops or sandals starting in March, assuming that it’s not still snowing,” junior Kimmy Glerum said…