Holocaust survivor urges students to stand up for justice

Gabrielle Ames

Judith Altmann, one of the few remaining Holocaust survivors, spoke to students on Thursday, Jan. 10, thanks to the efforts of history teacher Jen Fine. The assembly ran through periods two and seven, and students attending included juniors taking U.S. History and sophomores in Global History II.

Ms. Fine met Ms. Altmann when, as a student teacher at West Hill High School, she was asked to find a Holocaust survivor to speak to students.

Snow days cause changes in school calendar

Kate Howard

Since the start of 2011, winter weather has caused three delayed openings, two early dismissals and six snow days. Due to the record amount of snow, students had only eight full days of school last month. NCHS began February with dual snow days on Feb. 1 and Feb. 2. Currently the last day of school is scheduled to be Wednesday, Jun. 22.

Third floor pipe backs up

Elizabeth Kilbride and Danielle Sorcher
News Editor & Features Editor

A leak sprung Friday, Feb. 11, around 1:00 p.m., starting on the third floor and creating puddles of waste water in two chemistry rooms, a third floor prep room, the English Office, the Writing Center, and the spiral staircase area on both the first and second floors. According to Assistant Principal Larry Sullivan, the water is not sewer water, and not hazardous.