Rather than the typical mother-daughter charity league that can be found throughout the country, the Service League of Boys (SLOBs) of New Canaan is comprised of sons and parents of both sexes. Equally unique, SLOBs’ board of representatives is made up of both adolescents and adults, where sons and parents share leadership positions and attend meetings together.
Category: Features
Shedding light on student trends and culture at the high school.
March raises awareness of Women’s History among students and teachers
Ilene Anders
March, a time that marks the coming of spring, also marks the beginning of Women’s History Month. The month is dedicated to celebrating women; years ago, women weren’t able to vote, work, or do much besides become a stay at home mother, but now they can do all of that and more.
Wanted: Culturally Advanced Students
Chloe Davis
Anyone who takes a language at our high school knows exactly what a typical language class looks like. A few students trying to decipher what their teacher is saying, while most have already fallen asleep on their desks. It’s rare to find a Spanish, French or language class with a group of students who love to learn the language.
Marijuana is more than just a ‘little thing between friends’
Danielle Sorcher
Features Editor
In the past few months, there have been a number of drug-related disciplinary actions. In one case, there was a drug-related expulsion, and in another, a drug-related punishment was downgraded. On Feb. 28, a student was arrested from a November charge of selling marijuana.
“In my opinion, there has been an inordinate number of suspensions relating to marijuana, whether it is an issue due to direct use or something we found out or having to do with the police,” Principal Tony Pavia said. “We’re seeing a marijuana that’s different than the ‘old’ drug; it’s not just a harmless teenage experiment.”
Alternative Learning
Giuliana Savini & Sara Levine
An ordinary classroom is visualized with a dry-erase board or a lecture in front of the class. NCHS has been breaking this stereotype by including alternative learning techniques to enhance the comprehension of a lesson. One effective way teachers have been using these techniques is by integrating a mock simulation with the curriculum.