This year, to fill courses more effectively, class registration was, for the first time, online. Not only did students have more time to select classes through their PowerSchool accounts, introduced last year for online access to grades and attendance, the administration and guidance department now have more accurate computerized data to better facilitate student demand.
Category: Features
Shedding light on student trends and culture at the high school.
Insta-What? Instagram
Lizzy Burke
Features Editor
The daily life of a student includes so many activities. From sports games, to art class, to the school musical, there are always moments one wants to capture. As we move forward in the era of technology, we can now share these images in new and creative ways.
Instagram is a social networking app that focuses on sharing pictures. Many students alike enjoy the features of this app, and are able to incorporate it into their lives.
I Didn’t Vote Today! Why Students Don’t Care About The Election
Juan Pablo Rivera Garza
Blogs Editor
On April 24 the republican presidential candidates courted the vote of students when Connecticut hosted its round of the Republican Presidential Primaries. However, turnout for the primaries in New Canaan was extremely low, clocking in at only 13 percent. These numbers suggests little interest in the primaries, let alone the presidential race as a whole. So the question arises, do students in the high school care about this election?
Missing the simple life as childhood days start to wane
Tyler Kendall
Features Editor
Second semester senior Phoebe Wilks can be seen walking around school with a Disney princess backpack slung over her shoulder. Phoebe is one of the countless students who decided to enter senior year not only sporting, but embracing this childish style. “My princess backpack brings me back to being a little kid. It’s my last year of high school, so it’s sort of how I hold on to being a child before I morph into an adult,” she said.
The one year difference between seniorhood and juniordom
Isabelle Herde
“When school first started, I didn’t think junior year would be as bad as people say, but within the first month I realized that they were right,” junior Molly Joyce said.
Seniors are posting their college acceptances on Facebook as juniors refresh Naviance for the thousandth time, checking their odds of getting into the college of their dreams.