Audrey Carr, Executive Editor@audreyccourant Sophomore Maggie Marshall has collaborated with peers to start a new club, The Happy Home Club, which launched in May. The
Category: Features
Shedding light on student trends and culture at the high school.
Students reflect on nuanced styles of grading centered around self-assessment
Alessandra Gass, Features Editor @agasscourant The numerical percentage attached to each course is meant to encapsulate the intellectual ability of high schoolers everywhere. The slight
What is actually impressive to colleges? The perpetual uphill climb of high school students
Tahlia Scherer, Features Editor@tscherercourant It’s that time of year again: flowers are blooming, the sun stays high in the sky well past six o’clock, and
Students propose steps to increase school-wide sustainability
Alessandra Gass, Features Editor @agasscourant The ongoing threat posed by climate change remains prevalent in the lives of many around the world. In our country
“Music Man” dress rehearsal photos
Lauren O’Malley, Editor-in-Chief@lomalleycourant