Alessandra Gass, Features Editor @agasscourant The numerical percentage attached to each course is meant to encapsulate the intellectual ability of high schoolers everywhere. The slight
Category: Features
Shedding light on student trends and culture at the high school.
What is actually impressive to colleges? The perpetual uphill climb of high school students
Tahlia Scherer, Features Editor@tscherercourant It’s that time of year again: flowers are blooming, the sun stays high in the sky well past six o’clock, and
Students propose steps to increase school-wide sustainability
Alessandra Gass, Features Editor @agasscourant The ongoing threat posed by climate change remains prevalent in the lives of many around the world. In our country
“Music Man” dress rehearsal photos
Lauren O’Malley, Editor-in-Chief@lomalleycourant
Addiction brews as students and staff consume more caffeine
Peyton Zaletsky, Editor-in-Chief @peytonzcourant A Starbucks venti cold brew with an iced caramel drizzle; a thermos filled to the brim with a steaming chai tea;