Campbell Armstrong, Reporter @carmcourant During the crazy school year, parents scurry around looking for a preschool that will allow their children to obtain a great
Category: Features
Shedding light on student trends and culture at the high school.
Stress tips the scales – students struggle to balance AP classes and personal time
Caroline Castle, Reporter @ccastlecourant As students, we are surrounded by the stress of AP classes, extracurricular activities, and school in general. If you think of
Teacher Profile: Megan McCauley
Gwynne Tenney, Reporter @gtenneycourant As the trumpets begin to blare their rehearsed melody, a young Megan McCauley hurls a color guard rifle into the air,
NCHS students reveal a day in the life of a volunteer EMT
Joelle Anselmo, Reporter @janselmoCourant While most students at New Canaan High School choose to spend their leisure time attending sports games and hanging out with
Humans of NCHS: Emma Smith mission trip experience
Caroline Castle @ccastlecourant “I traveled with Putney, an international community service program, to Tanzania over the summer. It’s located in Eastern Africa, right below Kenya. We