Mariana Illarramendi, Reporter@Marianaillarra3 In a world filled with endless possibilities, students are allowed to dream big. While some haven’t a clue what they want to
Category: Features
Shedding light on student trends and culture at the high school.
Checkmate: Nate Moor Reaches National Master
Imogen Rawlings-Green, Features Editor@irawlingcourant This month, sophomore Nate Moor fulfilled a long-held goal of becoming a National Master in chess. For Nate, chess is a
Anxiety disorders: hidden in plain sight
Kate Hunter, Features Editor@khuntercourant Students aren’t actually stressed. Well, maybe some are. However, the common assumption that students are stressed can overshadow a mental health
Empowering girls in underrepresented fields
Women’s History Month has been celebrated for decades in honor of the achievements and positive changes women have contributed to society and culture over the
Gender in the classroom: Do boys get the spotlight?
Keira Cooney, Blogs Editor@keiraccourant Julie Song, Blogs Editor@juliescourant “Sexism is bad and so is racism. I am not a fan of anyone who does any