Malek Sidani, Senior Reporter @mmscourant This September held the 5th Annual Community Addiction Awareness Vigil. Each year the local vigil is a time for the
Category: Features
Shedding light on student trends and culture at the high school.
Students find academic freedom in the science research class
Aaron De Chiara, reporter@AaronDCourant The Science research class presents opportunities for exploration and education for those truly passionate about the various scientific fields. The class
Immersed in Purple: raising awareness for the severity of domestic violence
Kate Hunter, Editor-in-Chief@khuntercourant Inside the pristine white picket fences of New Canaan, it’s difficult to imagine a crime hidden inside homes, bedrooms, and children’s phones.
Diversity and race in college: the double-edged sword for students
Aleena Nasruddin, Editor-in-Chief@aleenancourant Julie Song, Editor-in-Chief@juliescourant As a district, New Canaan Public Schools has a total minority population of 10.3%. This unique environment of low
College Competitiveness
Lauren O’Malley, Features Editor @lomalleycourant Why am I worrying about failing a math test? Why am I so concerned with doing well on my english