Maeson Wagner@mwagnercourant It is time to address an issue that has long been stigmatized and therefore consciously ignored by the New Canaan community and the
Category: Features
Shedding light on student trends and culture at the high school.
PowerSchool: beneficial student tool or direct source of anxiety?
Alessandra Gass, Reporter@agasscourant It comes as no surprise that technology can be detrimental to the health of impressionable teenagers. It has been known for quite
Revolutionary or irrelevant? Students discuss New Year’s Resolutions
Abigail Cushman, Executive Editor@abigailccourant A teenager needs at least eight hours of sleep. Athletes go to the gym. Higher grades will set you up for
Students gain valuable experiences through after school jobs
By Lauren O’Malley@lomalleycourant For many students, once they turn sixteen, after school jobs become a good way to make money, gain experience in customer service,
Math Teachers Adopt New Classroom Model.
Luke Huang, Reporter@LUKEHCOURANT A teacher writes on the board, projecting their voice throughout the classroom while the students listen attentively. Each day after school, they