Hayley George, Features Editor@hayleygcourant1 Most students spend the first and second=d blocks daydreaming about the meal that takes place during the third: lunch. Whether it
Category: Features
Shedding light on student trends and culture at the high school.
Test Anxiety: The stress that hurts student success
Peyton Zaletsky, Editor-in-Chief@peytoncourant In an ideal world, students who work hard in class, spend countless hours studying, and walk into an exam feeling completely confident
How teachers are exploring more creative, flexible classroom styles
Serena Platt, Editor-in-Chief@splattcourant Since the beginning of this year, mask breaks or “brain breaks” during each period are no longer mandatory, and therefore many teachers
NCHS Staff Insider: Terrance Ditimi
Melissa Rizzo, Reporter@mrizzo_courant Most high school students stress over trying to figure out their future career path, constantly filling out personality quizzes, and attempting new
NCHS Staff Insider: Kathryn Marhefki
Melissa Rizzo, Reporter@mrizzo_courant “In a world where you can be anything, be kind.” Kindness can be found in a lot of places, but particularly in