Melissa Rizzo, Editor-in-Chief@mrizzo_courant After high school and even college, many students believe that if they put what they’ve learned into action, they’ll be able to
Category: Featured Slider
New school counselors have plan for senior recommendations
Melissa Rizzo, Editor in Chief@mrizzo_courant This past August, the counseling department lost two staff members: Dan Farina and Nick Willett. In light of this, some
The NCHS Courant introduces their new Editors in Chief
Alessandra Gass (left), Izzy Appelt (center), Melissa Rizzo (right) In April, the NCHS Courant announced its new Editors-in-Chief (EIC) for the 2023-2024 school year. Teacher
Mini Mic Meetings Episode 3: Movies
Annika Khurana, Executive Editor@akhuranacourant Maeve Hibbert, Blogs Editor@mhibbertcourant Join Annika Khurana and Maeve Hibbert in the third episode of Mini Mic Meetings to hear about
“Music Man” dress rehearsal photos
Lauren O’Malley, Editor-in-Chief@lomalleycourant