Molly Holmstead, Reporter@Molly1Courant With Valentine’s Day coming up, love is most definitely in the air. This also means that gifts are at high grabs right
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The importance of digital privacy
Veronica Gass, Reporter@vgasscourant The internet has revolutionized communication, offering instant access to information and online shopping. However, this convenience comes with the potential risk to
3 nights of music: VPA concerts at NCHS
Abby Brown, Reporter@ABrownCourant Recently, the Orchestra, Band and Choir students have showcased their hard work and talent through their winter concerts. Taking place on December
Runners prepare for the changes between the three running seasons
Lucy Paine, Sports Editor@lpainecourant To most, cross country, indoor and outdoor track are just considered “running,” but the three seasons are drastically different. For student
Championship aspirations: New Canaan Hockey teams show early season strength
John Frieders, Sports Editor@john_frieders Girls Hockey Girls Hockey has dominated thus far this season, going 6-1 in their first seven games. This hot start is