Cece Easley, Arts & Tech Editor @virginaeas For most, “Hell Week” would sound daunting and even frightening, but for senior Julia Dunn, it’s her favorite
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Meet the deadline! College applications increase senior stress levels
Peyton Zaletsky, Editor-in-Chief @peytonzcourant As lingering summer breezes shift into autumn chills and color-changing leaves, students’ schedules quickly become compiled with hours of homework, demanding
Steps in the right direction & listening to student voices
Regulating Traffic As a new school year has started up, juniors and seniors in particular have begun filling the parking lots and utilizing the open-campus
Senior Praja Tickoo begins year-long term on Connecticut State Board of Education
Ava Fonss, Editor-in-Chief@afonsscourant Peyton Zaletsky, Editor-in-Chief@peytonzcourant On September 7, senior Praja Tickoo was sworn into the Connecticut State Board of Education during a meeting in
Senior Spirit
Hayley George, Features Editor @hayleygcourant1 At the start of the year it is easy to spot freshman; they are the ones asking for direction. It