Pura Vida hosts annual dodgeball tournament

Emily Greene

The annual dodgeball tournament hosted by Pura Vida was held in the Main Gym this past Sunday, Jan. 9, from 5-8 p.m. According to team leader senior Catherine Betack, each ticket cost $19 which pays for 19 cent meals, feeding 100 children per ticket.

Catherine estimated that this event raised around $1,600 with 12 teams of six to eight people on each. The only requirement was that there be an equal number of boys and girls on a team; there was no age limit requirement. Many alumni came back to support the cause.

The Complete Pavia Pullout

By Dan Popper and Scott O’Brien
Editorial Director and Sports Editor

Tony Pavia was born on April 6, 1956 at Stamford Hospital in Stamford, Connecticut. Mr. Pavia
grew up in Stamford along with two older brothers, where he attended Stevens Elementary School. Through his first four grades, Mr. Pavia struggled with tremendous “school anxiety” and was terrified of going to school. However, he eventually grew out of this emotion. For middle school, Mr. Pavia attended Sacred Heart Parochial. He even served as the Student Body President in the eighth grade. However, he claims everything went downhill from there.

The Wide World of Jerseys

Dan Popper and Ben Stryker
Editorial Director and Staff Cartoonist

The struggle to the find and buy the perfect jersey is something that plagues all sports fans. Qualities like team, color and player all play a key role in the deciding on a jersey. Students shared their favorite jerseys as well as characteristics they looked for when buying jerseys.

“They quality doesn’t really matter, its more the person,” junior Thomas Rochlin said. “However, sometimes I wear an authentic jersey as opposed to other jerseys which are considered replicas. Replicas tend to be more comfortable and cheaper than authentics.”

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