Students participate in principal search focus group

Elizabeth Kilbride
News Editor

A focus group comprised entirely of students met with members of the Search Committee looking for Principal Tony Pavia’s replacement, on Tuesday, January 25, from roughly 1:30 to 2:30 in the Wagner Room. They discussed the qualities they would look for in a principal, what students enjoy about the school, and improvements that could be made to school environment.

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother

Emma Hutchins
Opinions Editor

No sleepovers. No choice in extracurriculars. No being “No.2” or below in classes other than gym or drama. Even no bathroom breaks until a certain piano piece is performed perfectly. Western Parenting, meet Amy Chua’s controversial child-rearing memoir, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. Meoowww, is right.

A word, a book, and a truth

Ellen Trinklein
Opinions Editor

English classes everywhere: it is going to be okay. You can now take that much-needed sigh of relief because, praise Jesus, a new edition of Huckleberry Finn is going to be released. This one will assuage the fears of unassuming English students and nervous English teachers everywhere because, in this new edition, all n-words will be replaced with the word “slave.”

Students will no longer be so drastically and horribly forced to read something that makes them uncomfortable

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