Melissa Rizzo, Centerfold Editor@mrizzo_courant To follow a passion, students often strive to challenge themselves, whether it’s taking the extra AP class or showing up early
Category: Featured
Student bands reach new heights through local performances
Amber Sadiq, Arts & Tech Editor@asadiqcourant Hobbies and extracurricular activities are typical for a progressing highschool student, and in a community very dominated by athletics,
My Model UN Trip to the Netherlands
Amy Meng, Reporter@amengcourant On January 21st of this year, ten members of the high school’s Model UN Club, including myself, as well as two of
Field trips: the key to fostering student engagement
Annika Khurana, Executive Editor@akhuranacourant Garlic mustard. Japanese barberry. Tulip trees. I can still remember the names of various plants I learned about two years ago
Girls Hockey finishes strong with another winning season
Max Maggard, Reporter Girls hockey has had a successful season, thanks to the leadership of the senior class and several talented underclassmen. Despite losing key