Danielle O’Malley, Managing Editor@domalley_ In the modern world of cinema, there are countless genres and themes that captivate audiences. Two very different films that have
Category: Featured
Athletes and navigating the college recruitment process
Danielle O’Malley, Managing Editor@domalley_ For many athletes, the offseason is a time to rest, recover, and rejuvenate. A time to get a mental and physical
Seniors step up to mentor freshmen as Peer Mentor Program returns
Luke Huang, Features Editor@lukehcourant As the new school year kicks off, seniors at the high school are stepping up to mentor their freshman counterparts in
The Impact of Boxing On Teens
Lucas Williams, Reporter When I say boxing, what do you think of? Maybe cauliflower ear. Maybe Muhammed Ali. Yet I would wager everyone reading envisions
Capture a Moment
First year Journalism students were assigned to “Capture a Moment.” These are the moments they have captured around the school!