Tahlia Scherer, Features Editor@tscherercourant To think of the most famous athletes of our time, is to imagine the iconic faces of individuals whose shows of
Category: Featured
Parking lot regulations enforce student safety
Emily Telesco, Blogs Editor@etelescocourant Recently, driving and parking regulations have been significantly reinforced on school campus. This is due to an increase in both illegal
NCHS prepares for upcoming solar eclipse
Valentina Baldini, Reporter@vbaldinicourant On April 8, the first solar eclipse visible to the East Coast since 2017 will begin over the South Pacific Ocean and
The Stressors of Prom
Tahlia Scherer, Features Editor@tscherercourant Isabella Madrid, News Editor@imadridcourant Prom is a rite of passage for all high schoolers. Yet, the event has proven to be
Parent Faculty Association obtains permission to replace 1998 entrance sign
Ryan Boulanger, News Editor@Ryanbcourant By June of this year, the New Canaan High School Parent Faculty Association (PFA) plans to install a new, contemporary-styled sign