John Frieders, Reporter@john_frieders On Thursday, April 25, the girls lacrosse team will travel to Darien High School to play one of their biggest games of
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The unseen benefits of having ADHD
Emily Telesco, Blogs Editor@etelescocourant In today’s society, many people are often quick to judge those with neurodevelopmental disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder –
If NCHS wants to prepare students for college, teach sexual assault curriculum
Alessandra Gass, Editor-in-Chief @agasscourant As with any issue in society, the absence of conversation does not mean an absence of the issue altogether. Such a
Juniors take on the new Digital SAT
Olivia Carofano, Blogs Editor@OCarofano32144 This March, juniors took the new Digital SAT. The assessment is designed to measure current levels of student performance in relation
Opinion: Dear GOP, if immigration is such a big issue then fix it
Ryan Boulanger, News Editor@Ryanbcourant The Issue According to a national poll conducted by Monmouth University, more than 8 in 10 Americans believe that illegal immigration