Kate Hunter, Editor-in-Chief@khuntercourant As temperatures drop and students flood the high school hallways again, Friday night lights return. Each year, a new group of senior
Category: Editors-in-Chief
Remembrance and resiliency: 9/11 20 years later
Lauren Doherty, Editor-in-Chief @ldohertycourant Twenty years ago, Americans were paralyzed in horror as NYC’s World Trade Center towers collapsed. Airplanes hijacked by the al-Qaeda terrorist
Social media with the younger generation: How can we save them?
Catherine Burges, Editor-in-Chief@cburges_courant I got Instagram at 13 years old. I remember thinking that I was one of the early birds. Looking at some of
An Asian-American ode to food
Julie Song, Editor-in-Chief@juliescourant I know that an angel sings when my mom makes doenjang jjigae. When the sultry taste of fermented soybeans hits my senses,
Vaccines are the light at the end of the tunnel
Kate Hunter, Editor-in-Chief@khuntercourant On April 1st the VAMS vaccine portal opened up for my age group. I sat in front of my computer screen, constantly