Do Spring Break ’13 Like a Pro

In approximately 24 hours, students will be dismounting their treadmills and boarding flights to various tropical resorts for the greatest week of their lives. After weeks of pretending to do school work and recycling the same pair of lululemon leggings each day, Spring Break 2013 is upon here. As I considered the ways I could try and recreate Laguna Beach season 1 on my California trip this week, I came up with a few tips on how to make this break worthwhile. If you’re going on a trip this year, avoid #SB13Probz by doing the following.

The Five People You Meet in Advisory

Carly Risom

When I first heard about the fact that we were having Advisory, I immediately flashed back to Saxe. Advisory there was mainly comprised of sitting in a circle and drawing pictures, and the rest I don’t remember because the room reeked of Expo markers and the heat was on, even though it was May. I begrudgingly went to find my name on the intimidatingly long list of students, and was oh so happy to see that I was placed in Cafeteria A. I would like to mention that I had never heard of about 25% of the people on the list, so this should be a riveting graduation ceremony come June of 2015. More importantly, I didn’t know that there was such thing as Cafeteria A.

Accepting “Accepted 2017”

At this point in the school year, most students’ social media news feeds have been bombarded with “Insert Prestigious University Name Here Class of 2017!” posts. If you’re a senior lucky enough to have decided where to matriculate next year, you have probably entered into the strange realm of accepted students Facebook pages.

Making the Most of CAPT Week

Carly Risom

Every year, the Connecticut Academic Proficiency Tests are administered to sophomores. Being a soph’ myself, I am really looking forward to comparing and contrasting biodiesel and sewage waste as efficient types of energy products before 9 a.m. According to her Twitter, Kim Kardashian will have worked out and gotten a manicure by then, oh boy. Does Essie make a color called ‘Lazy?’ I’m sure it would be more popular than my personal favorite, ‘Butler Please.’