Patrick Diamond, Reporter @diamond_courant March is now upon us and, starting March 17th, so will the NCAA Tournament. There have already been a few conference tournaments,
Category: Blogs
Fresh, funny, and personal – straight from the Courant staff.
Cinefiles: Must watch movies of 2015
Jenny Levine Arts, Entertainment, and Technology Editor @JALevineCourant 2015 appears to be an exciting year in cinema– we’ll see about that. In the mean time,
Under the Radar: SNL’s Kate McKinnon
Alex Hutchins Opinions Editor @aHutchCourant There are not enough words to describe how brilliant Kate McKinnon is. From her spot-on impression of Justin Bieber to
The Noise: Dan Deacon – Gliss Riffer
John Bemis, Blogs Editor @bemiscourant When was the last time we saw a pop musician with authority? Not just with overbearing confidence, but the art to
Game of The Week 6: March 2015
Patrick Diamond, Reporter Arguably the best rivalry in all of sports, Duke and North Carolina will be squaring off for the second and final