Kate Hunter, Reporter If you’ve been binge-watching Netflix like I have this quarantine, you may have stumbled across the captivating Netflix series Waco. The documentary
Category: Blogs
Fresh, funny, and personal – straight from the Courant staff.
Keeping Your Body Healthy During Quarantine
Alex Sconziano, Reporter@ASconzCourant While the world fights to stay healthy from the coronavirus, it is obvious that we need to wash our hands and use
Sightsee like nobody’s watching
Abigail Cushman, Section Editor@abigailccourant Have you ever heard the phrase “Dance like nobody’s watching”? Well, as we are all in quarantine, this blog will provide
Creativity in Quarantine
Ellie O’Hare, Reporter@EOHare_Courant The closing of schools and restrictions of almost every social gathering have left most of us stuck in our houses with family
The effect of COVID-19 on the 2020 Presidential Election
Caroline Vincent, Reporter@cvincentcourant Since 1788, the presidential election has never been delayed or canceled. With the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, many Americans are worried and concerned