Sarah Mannelly reaches 1,000 points

Logan Phillips
Senior Editor

On Saturday, Feb. 19, junior Sarah Mannelly became the first woman in NCHS history to score 1,000 points. Sarah’s record-setting shot was a three-pointer in the third quarter of the FCIAC quarter-finals against the Danbury Hatters, giving the Rams a six-point lead. New Canaan ended up beating the Hatters 51-46 and advanced to the FCIAC semi-finals, where they lost 51-33 to the Ridgefield Tigers on Feb. 22.

The President’s State of the Union Address

Steffi Badanes and Audrey Piehl

On January 25th, 2011, President Obama gave his State of the Union Address to the United States House of Representatives. We share our thoughts on his speech, the state of our nation, and our hopes for the future.

Scroll to the bottom of this article for a video of the entire speech and look at the corresponding time spots in the comments.

Willie Burger a spark plug for the Rams

Logan Phillips
Senior Editor

Within only a few minutes, the Rams’s seven point leader had evaporated into an 8 point deficit, and with less then 5 minutes left in the game and the Rams on the brink of their 8th straight loss in a row, their prospects of winning did not look good. Enter Willie Burger, the unlikely hero; a freshman was only playing such crucial end game minutes because of an injury to Nick Depuy.

Top Dog

Scott O’Brien
Sports Editor

It’s what every athlete strives for. To be the best player in any given situation at any given time. When you’re 8 you want to be the kid who can touch the net on your elementary school’s 7 foot hoop. Then middle school comes and all of a sudden your legacy as the grade’s legend vanishes because, let’s face it, middle school basketball brings out the worst in every player. The kids who hit puberty first are stuck playing Center and Forward, positions that most of them will likely abandon if they continue on to play high school basketball.