NBA Playoffs

John Berger

The NBA season may have been shortened this year from 82 games to 66 games due to the lockout, but the playoffs are the normal length. You need to win 4 best of 7 series in order to win the NBA championship.

Music in the whip

When you’re with friends, a car ride without music is about as awkward as those kids in math who realize it’s your birthday and try to get the class to sing to you. Now unless I’m already aware of my passenger’s musical preferences, there are some general guidelines I try to follow. First things first, shuffle is a feature that should only really be used when you’re by yourself. 9 out of 10 times the song that comes up on shuffle is either a weird slow jam or a banger from 7th grade. The result is a very awkward few seconds while you desperately shuffle some more to find a better song.

Mitt Romney and the War on Women

Steffi Badanes
Blogs Editor

In 2002, Mitt Romney was pro-choice. He strongly believed in protecting women’s rights to choose. Now in 2012, he’s pro-life and carelessly tells America that he plans on “getting rid” of Planned Parenthood and instead give tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans. So the man who once believed in protecting women’s rights now believes that women shouldn’t be able to have access to cancer screenings, pap smears, STD tests/treatments, and other forms of basic health care? He would rather help Americans who need it the least?

10 Things I Love, 10 Things I Hate (pt. 4)

Kate Gilhool
Associate Editor


1. A little more than two months left of high school for the class of 2012.
2. Opening up iTunes and remembering that you downloaded two hours worth of new tunes that you’ve yet to hear.


1. Brushing your teeth and dribbling toothpaste down the front of your shirt.
2. Walking out of ‘Project X’ and realizing that you weren’t actually at the party.