What’s the deal with YBall?

Sev Saiz, Brian Moran, Jack Willet & Davis Smith
Guest Bloggers
Perhaps the greatest athletic forum our generation will ever see comes about every wintertime in New Canaan. It is the pantheon in which men are turned into champions, legacies are built and memories are etched in the collective minds of those involved. YMCA basketball, undoubtedly the most competitive sporting event known to man, is the culmination of years of serious training and development, highlighted by the fast paced, intense action of a Yball game.

What Does the New Year Have In Store?

Juan Pablo Rivera Garza
Senior Political Analyst/Blogs Editor

In the first few weeks of the New Year, the political world has been shaken by multiple issues. The rest of the year will be filled with a great amount of debate, and hopefully comprehensive pieces of legislation, here’s what you need to know;

App of the week: theScore

Julia Hardy
Arts, Entertainment & Technology Editor

The good news: after four months, the NHL lockout is over and professional hockey will shortly be back on TV. The bad news: fans will have a lot more scores to keep track of as the football and basketball seasons continue in addition hockey’s. Luckily, the app theScore can help you keep track of all your favorite teams whether you’re at home or on-the-go.