Tyler Kendall and Isabel Lawrence
Features Editor and News Editor
We’re back!
We know! We missed you too! Anyway, we’re back WITH MORE!
Fresh, funny, and personal – straight from the Courant staff.
Tyler Kendall and Isabel Lawrence
Features Editor and News Editor
We’re back!
We know! We missed you too! Anyway, we’re back WITH MORE!
Monica Nair
Photos and Graphics Editor
Are you pretty little KIDDING ME?! Not even the producers of PLL have a clue what’s going on with this soon to be cancelled ABC Family “thriller.” Get ready for your weekly moment with Mon”A” my PLL minions, this one’s a killer.
John Berger
Senior Editor
It’s that time of year again. Every March, millions of people across the country fill out a March Madness bracket, whether it’s an office pool or with friends and family. Before every week’s games during the tournament, I’ll break down the bracket and the upcoming match-ups. Right now we’ll start with the opening weekend of the tournament, where upsets are frequent, and brackets are often burst.
Charlie Sosnick Website Manager According to the PewResearch Hispanic Center, there were 557,000 Peruvians in the US in 2009. Luckily, their incredible food immigrated with
Harrison Burt
Blogs Editor
First impressions are lasting impressions, and as high school students, perception will always be critical. Students at NCHS have four years to leave their mark on our school, and one way certain individuals start is through their clothing. I got the chance to speak with the students in each grade that I deemed “best dressed.” Here is what those seniors had to say about why they dress well and their thoughts on making an impression through clothing.