The Seniors voted, and the results are in! Here are the top looks from Senior Prom 2014: by Sarah Maddox and Hannah Kirkpatrick Emily Brand
Category: Blogs
Fresh, funny, and personal – straight from the Courant staff.
New Canaan High School to hold Annual Model United Nations Sophomore Simulation
Daniel Konstantinovic Tomorrow, May 22nd, will mark the start of New Canaan High School’s annual Model United Nations Sophomore Simulation, a yearly event run by
Senior internships volume 1
Hayley Graham Reporter Monday marks the first day of senior internships, students participating in the program are getting ready to go off to work. Seniors
Free The Children’s 3rd annual Water Walk
Lizzy Burke Opinions Editor Free the Children’s third annual Water Walk is Sunday, May 18th. The event will take place at Waveny Park at 1PM,
Junior Spring: College Visiting
Carly Risom News Editor With senior year just around the corner, many juniors have spent a significant amount of time touring college campuses throughout second