RNC 2012

Juan Pablo Rivera Garza
Blogs Editor

Even the torrential rains of Hurricane Issac could not prevent the GOP from holding their national convention, a successful one to boot. Party operatives set out to make a convention that both re-introduced Governor Mitt Romney to the American people, and buff out the ruff edges of his public image. On both these counts they succeeded, but was it enough?

How Romney Can Win The Election

Juan Pablo Rivera Garza
Blogs Editor

Its official: the presidential race is all tied up. Recent polls have put President Obama and Governor Romney in a tight race, with polls showing their leads within the margin of error or tied. However, even though the popular vote is extremely tight, the electoral college map at this point heavily favors President Obama. If the election was held today, Obama would win the electoral college 294 to Governor Romney’s 244.

Mitt Romney and the War on Women

Steffi Badanes
Blogs Editor

In 2002, Mitt Romney was pro-choice. He strongly believed in protecting women’s rights to choose. Now in 2012, he’s pro-life and carelessly tells America that he plans on “getting rid” of Planned Parenthood and instead give tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans. So the man who once believed in protecting women’s rights now believes that women shouldn’t be able to have access to cancer screenings, pap smears, STD tests/treatments, and other forms of basic health care? He would rather help Americans who need it the least?

The Buffet Rule

Kristi Gallup
Guest Blogger

The Buffett Rule, proposed by President Obama has created an immense amount of tension leading to the upcoming Presidential election of 2012. The White House specifically stated the definition of the Buffett Rule: “No household making more than $1 million each year should pay a smaller share of their income taxes than a middle class family”. This seems like a reasonable statement, however that is not what President Obama has been encouraging throughout his speeches.

Negative advertising’s impact is strong; the remedy’s in research

Elizabeth Kilbride
Opinions Editor

Jeremy W. Peters recently wrote an article for the New York Times headlined “92% of Ads in Florida Were Negative.” Exhibit A was an ad by the pro-Romney Super PAC Restore Our Future, although I’m not sure this is a corner of YouTube you want to visit. Jane Mayer also wrote about negative advertising in an article about Larry McCarthy, who helps direct Restore Our Future, in The New Yorker; the article was called “Mitt Romney’s Attack Dog.”