Ryan Boulanger, Editor-in-Chief@RyanBCourant All opinions expressed on this page repre-sent the views of the author, not the views of the Courant. The Courant welcomes responses
Category: @ Gov.
2024 Courant mock election results
Ryan Boulanger, Editor-in-Chief@Ryanbcourant The Courant’s Mock Election, open to the entire NCHS student body, concluded this past Friday night. Polls opened on Tuesday afternoon, and
Winners and Losers of the Vice Presidential Debate
Ryan Boulanger, Editor-in-Chief@RyanBcourant Donovan West, Editor-in-Chief@DWest_courant The Vice Presidential debate between Senator JD Vance (R-Ohio) and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz took place at 9pm EST
Opinion: Dear GOP, if immigration is such a big issue then fix it
Ryan Boulanger, News Editor@Ryanbcourant The Issue According to a national poll conducted by Monmouth University, more than 8 in 10 Americans believe that illegal immigration
Opinion: it’s time to take a look at alternative voting systems
Ryan Boulanger, News Editor@Ryanbcourant Let’s face it: The 118th Congress has been the least productive congressional assembly in American history. In the last decade, government