Danielle O’Malley, Sports Editor @domalley_ The Access Awards provide an opportunity for K-12 students in Fairfield County to showcase their work in film, whether it
Category: Arts & Tech
Read about recent NCHS art and performances.
Student bands reach new heights through local performances
Amber Sadiq, Arts & Tech Editor@asadiqcourant Hobbies and extracurricular activities are typical for a progressing highschool student, and in a community very dominated by athletics,
The Music That Makes Us
Maeve Hibbert, Blogs Editor @mhibbertcourant A teacher walks around the classroom, handing out a test to each student. Most people would picture this testing environment
“Music Man” dress rehearsal photos
Lauren O’Malley, Editor-in-Chief@lomalleycourant
The music department returns to perform at the Disney Hall
Cece Easley, Arts & Tech Editor @Virginiaeas March is typically a long and cold month, with no breaks or long weekends, spent waiting for the