‘Rango’ delivers a solid Western geared towards an older audience

Charlie Dorf
Arts and Entertainment Editor

I’m a sucker for Westerns. Be it a Sergio Leone spaghetti Western (The Good, The Bad and The Ugly) or a Joss Weadon space Western (Serenity), I have probably seen it multiple times. Going in to Rango, I was afraid that the film would turn my beloved genre into a hackneyed kids movie, making a mockery of everything Leone and Eastwood built to make the western what it is today. I was happily proven wrong.

Godfather, Jaws, Lassie? How to define a classic film

Charlie Dorf & Francesca DeRosa
Arts and Entertainment Editors

The art of painting has been around for thousands of years, and yet debate still rages over what is a truly “classic” piece. Some claim the works of El Greco or Raphael, while others counter with Picasso and Dali. Film, on the other hand, has been around scarcely a century, but debate over what defines a classic movie ranges just as widely as the debate over its artistic ancestors.

The Oscars: Who deserved them, and who got them

Charlie Dorf
Arts and Entertainment Editor

Best Picture/ Original Screenplay/ Best Director/ Best Actor: The King’s Speech

As The King’s Speech won all four of these categories, I figured I might as well roll them all into one. Before I saw this film, I was hoping, somewhat wistfully, that True Grit would sweep these awards, being the Coen brothers fan boy that I am. However, after seeing The King’s Speech, I knew this was not a Coen brothers year.

Happily Ever After: Then and Now

Steffi Badanes

Rapunzel was trapped in a tower and eventually saved by the prince after he climbed to the top by her hair. Cinderella was magically transformed from a servant for her horrid step-family to a princess dancing the night away with her prince at the ball. We all know the classic Disney story of the damsel in distress: after considerable toil, she is rescued by the handsome prince and living happily ever after.

MSG Varsity opens up Talent Show to Tri-State area

Charlie Dorf
Arts and Entertainment Editor

On February 7th, MSGVarsity.com began accepting submissions for “MSG Varsity’s Talent Show.” The show, according to the website, is “designed to discover the most talented acts in the tri-state area.” Students must submit a video in one of the following categories: dance ensemble, individual singer, vocal ensemble, or rock/pop band. Video must be no longer than five minutes. Submissions end February 28th.

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